How constipation can lead to piles?

5 Ways to Preventing Hernia Problem

Hernias are caused when a section of the intestine or a part of the abdominal muscles weakens and gets pushed out from its original place. Due to external pressure around the weakened area, hernias can get worse. Certain types of hernias can be prevented, while others cannot. Such hernias develop due to factors that are not under one’s control such as prior abdominal surgery and weakening of the muscles since birth.

However, the risk of getting a hernia can be reduced by being cautious in putting pressure on your abdomen. Following are the key tips one must follow in order to avoid getting a hernia.

Try to Remedy/ Reduce Constipation

Severe constipation can cause a hernia. One must drink at least 1.5-2 litres of water on a daily basis to reduce the effect of constipation. Including the following high-fiber foods can help you reduce constipation too.

  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes

Avoid Lifting/Maintain a good posture while lifting weights

If you have to lift a heavy object, do not bend down with your waist instead take the support of your knees. Use your legs and not your torso to do most of the lifting effort. Do not push yourself into lifting an object which is too heavy for you.

Resist smoking and drinking

The risk of hernias increases due to smoking as it inhibits cell growth by restricting enzyme production. Nicotine can weaken the abdominal lining that can ultimately lead to the bulging of an organ. Further on, drinking alcohol frequently or on a regular basis can damage the stomach lining as well as the liver. Both smokers and alcoholics are more prone to developing a hernia.

Avoid Urination problems

Many men who have prostate problems often suffer from hernias. They form because of the increased pressure in the abdomen. It is often necessary to treat your prostate problem before treating hernias.

Be Mindful of Any Health Problems

A person may be at a higher risk of developing a hernia due to other health issues such as excessive gaining of weight, chronic coughing, sneezing, or constipation. These health problems can result in excessive strain around the abdominal area that increases the risk of developing a hernia. These are common symptoms that can suggest far more serious health issues in one’s body.
